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    Why Do We Love My Talking Tom Games?

    Do you want to teach your kids how to take care of a pet before actually buying them a real one? Talking Tom games including Angela and the others would be a good start. Are you craving to have a pet at home? The problem is you’re too busy with work that you won’t be able to really take care of them. Then, Talking Tom is a great solution. Would you just want to pass time with an adorable little pet? Then, Talking Tom would be perfect for you. No matter what your reasons may be, the Talking Tom games can cater to various user needs.

    My Talking Tom Game Features

    My Talking Tom created a buzz and one of the things we love about it is its talkback feature. You can record up to 25 seconds and listen to your chipmunk altered voice recording coming out of Tom’s mouth. Who wouldn’t want a talking cat that repeats everything you say. You’ll also love his adorable gestures and expressions when you pet him, poke him, play with him, and more!

    He is a real virtual pet that you take care of and watch him grow. Aside from that, you can even play as an interior designer and decorate his crib. Playing with Tom is not just limited to annoying him or making fun of him at times, you get to do stuff together especially with his mini-games. There are tons of things that Talking Tom can do. You will adore knowing more about who Talking Tom is.

    We also love that aside from the games; you can catch Tom and his friends in their own miniseries and get to know who Tom really is outside the game. He is a real treasure to keep as a virtual pet. Among every other virtual pet available, Talking Tom really is the cherry on top. Who wouldn’t love a pet that will stay with you which leads to the question, does Talking Tom die or will he stay with you forever?

    If you have more questions about Talking Tom games or maybe just interested in the latest Talking Tom updates, go ahead and read more on our website. You’ll love to hear that can now enjoy playing with Tom on your PC.

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