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    Slither.io Christmas Mod 7.2

    Slither.io still maintains its popularity in these days. Many io games were designed with inspiration from slither.io’s game style but they are not as successful as slither.io. A lot of players also achieved record scores in slither.io with normal mod but no one was able to achieve success with the slither.io Christmas pack. Today, we introduce you the slither.io Christmas Pack update that is ready to be played. We hope you will love slither.io new year skins.
    As you may remember, the classical features of slithere mod. These are custom skins, mouse zoom in-out, connecting with your friends in the same server, to see your current X/Y position, background changer, skins creator and to set more functions. We are happy to inform our new skins which are Christmas Elf, Christmas Hat, Snowman, Christmas Tree, Gift Box, Santa Claus, Snowflake and Reindeer with Santa Claus. Also, You will see the Christmas-specific background which you have installed this update. These features are special for the beginning of the year. You might be the first to recorder of new videos and share on YouTube.

    Slither.io Christmas

    Many players were complaining about lag troubles while playing slither.io. Therefore, we optimized the skins to decrease slither.io lag problem when you are playing slither.io with our slither.io mod. You can use slithere.com mod 7.2 more efficiently than other modes that means the skins will now load more quickly and play more smoothly. In addition, you will be able to reach the 1st point immediately while your opponents are struggling with the lag. In brief, this mode will give you great advantage over other players.
    Of course you can send us your Christmas related skins up to the new year, and the other players will play with your skins. If you create private skins please send message to: http://www.facebook.com/slitherecom
    Merry Christmas

    Mod Extension (google chrome)

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