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    Mope.io Bear Guide

    There are many animals, which appear in the game of mope.io, and the bear is one of them. Mope.io Bear has its own capabilities, similar to the other animals, which appear in the game. You need a number of evolutions, before you can become the bear, in the game. A lot of people like to play mope.io with the bear, so we can say that it is popular in evolution tree.

    Mope.io Bear

    mope.io bearAmong the various online games, which are popular on the internet, the game of mope.io is one of them. The game is quite popular. You can get the Mope.io Bear through a range of changes, which appear in the game, after you gain a certain level of XP or experience. The bear in the game, looks quite similar to the original bear, which appear in our nature, and resembles the same color of the animal.

    Appearance Of Mopeio Bear

    Mope.io Bear is not limited only to the web version of the game. If you are playing the game of mope.io on your mobile or tablet, using the app, you can also find the animal. The color of the bear, in the game of mope.io is brown, and it also have a number of special abilities, which are worth using, in the game. It can eat all the small animals, which appear in the game, and can be eaten by all the bigger animals compared to that of Mope.io Bear.

    Evolution And Other Details

    You can get Mopeio Bear from a lion or a gorilla, and it can be upgraded to a crocodile, or a polar bear, depending upon your likes and dislikes. The bear also has the capability to hide in small holes, which appear in the game of mope.io. It can give the animal a stealth mode, which is quite helpful.

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