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    How to Win More in Clash Royale?

    Admit it, you always want to win! Being in the losing team and ‘learning from your mistakes’ just doesn’t cut it. So to make sure you’re not sucking at this game, you can read more on How to Play Well in Clash Royale? This game is a no-brainer but can stir a little confusion in the process. But stick for a little while to get yourself familiar with the game mechanics.

    Simplest tip and the easiest way to maximize your chances of winning is to keep your trophies low. This works when you keep losing in high-ranking arenas so you get transported into the lower ranked arenas with your already strong cards. This is a sure win unless someone is doing the same thing, so be watchful of the people as well.

    If you are after more advanced cards, you can drive up your trophy level to get to the arena where you can unlock cards, and once you have them, try to lose 1 on 1 battle. As a result, it will drop your trophies, and you will then get to a lower arena with weaker players where you can win easily.

    Otherwise, if you want to always win without losing your trophies then you will have to end up playing with more advanced players. In this case, you must try sticking to 2 vs 2 battles and other challenges that don’t award you trophies. But after all, there really is no guarantee if you will win in either 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1 unless you are an experienced player already!

    Last tip: While building your deck, make sure that you can defend against land and air attacks! Get more tips on how to build your Clash Royale deck and start winning! the detailed tips on how to be good in Clash Royale. I’m sure this would help you in your next quest! Read more about it here.

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